Once you have accepted the Terms of Use, 1-Click Trading will be activated on your Account and the Single-Click setting described in (i) (Single-Click) below will be activated as the default 1-Click Trading setting. You will then be able to select one of three options from the navigation toolbar at the top of the Platform. You can update these elections at any time:
You can elect for the Single-Click setting to be activated. This will allow you to place certain Orders by only clicking once on the applicable Buy Price or Sell Price of the relevant Product.
You can elect for the Double-Click setting to be activated. This will allow you to place certain Orders by clicking twice on the applicable Buy Price or Sell Price of the relevant Product.
You can elect for 1-Click Trading to be temporarily disabled. You will continue to see the relevant Order ticket before placing a Market Order.
When 1-Click Trading is enabled, you will not be able to adjust your Order settings on an individual Order basis prior to placing the relevant Market Order using 1-Click Trading.
When 1-Click Trading has been elected, to choose the size of your Order (in Units), you can:
Enter the size manually into the appropriate Price quote panel; or
Elect via “Save Ticket Quantity (by product)” under “Order Settings” on the Platform to have the Price quote panel pre-populated with your previous Order size in the relevant Product (if applicable); or
Use the drop down menu to select from a number of pre-set CFD Margin Trade sizes (e.g. 5, 10, 15).
Please note that if you elect to use 1-Click Trading:
Orders will be submitted upon clicking (once or twice for Single-Click and Double-Click respectively) the Buy Price or Sell Price of the relevant Product and you will not be presented with an Order ticket or subsequent Order confirmation prompt;
you will not be able to view the applicable Trade Margin before the CFD Margin Trade has been executed;
there is an increased likelihood of an Order being unintentionally submitted. If you incur losses as a result of unintentionally placing an Order using 1-Click Trading, we will not be liable for those or any other indirect losses; and
your existing Order settings (including any applicable default Stop Loss Orders and Take Profit Orders) will apply to Orders placed using 1-Click Trading. If you have not selected (under “Order Settings”) that a Stop Loss Order or Take Profit Order will apply by default for a particular Product, then Market Orders on that particular Product that are placed using 1-Click Trading will not have an associated Stop Loss Order or Take Profit Order. You will however be able to apply a Stop Loss Order or Take Profit Order after your Market Order placed using 1-Click Trading has been executed. Please ensure that you have reviewed and if appropriate, updated your Order Settings before using 1-Click Trading.
If you activate 1-Click Trading on your Account you agree and accept the following:
The applicable Terms of Business, Order Execution Policy Summary and Risk Warning Notice will continue to apply to your Account.
You hereby accept the risks associated with 1-Click Trading, including but not limited to those referred to in Section 4 of these Terms of Use.
1-Click Trading is provided on an “as is” and “if available” basis. We exclude any warranties, undertakings or representations (either express or implied) related to 1-Click Trading to the full extent permitted by Applicable Law.
We may suspend or permanently cease the provision of 1-Click Trading at any time and without prior notice to you.
We do not accept liability or responsibility for any direct or indirect losses incurred by you as a result of 1-Click Trading.
Capitalised terms used in these Terms of Use and not defined herein, shall have the meaning given to them in our CMC Markets Germany GmbH Terms of Business or the CMC Spreadbet GmbH Financial Betting Terms of Business (as applicable to you) relating to our Platform.
The Terms of Use shall apply equally to financial betting and CFD Accounts and these terms should be construed accordingly. Where applicable, “CFD Margin Trade” shall be replaced with “Bet”.
“1-Click Trading” means the functionality on our Platform allowing you to place certain types of Orders in the manner described in these Terms of Use, and for the avoidance of doubt includes both the Single Click and Double Click election described above under “Using 1-Click trading”.
We do not recommend the use of 1-Click Trading for inexperienced clients. If you have any questions please contact our client management team.