Is now a good time to be investing in Chinese innovation?

ETF TV’s weekly episodes cover the latest ETF listings and breaking news, alongside interviews with the people behind the ETF headlines.

For this week’s episode of ETF TV, hosts Margareta Hricova and Deborah Fuhr speak to Jonathan Krane, CEO of KraneShares, as he discusses investing in China and Carbon allowances

We begin the episode by getting the backstory as to why Krane set up KraneShares back in 2013 and what was the fundamental reason for its creation. Following this, Krane is quizzed about his recent listings on the NYSE and what type of investments would be inside these ETFs, including what is meant by carbon allowances.

Krane then shares his insights into how he would define innovation in China and is now the time to be investing in the Chinese equity and bond market? We hear about what is meant by the transition from Old China to New China.

Krane concludes by sharing the differences between those who invest in ETFs in Europe compared to those in China, and revealing whether or not KraneShares have plans to launch any more ETFs.

Finally, Deborah gives her update on the ETF industry and any new listings.

Watch the full video below.


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