包括差價合約在內的場外槓桿式產品為複雜的金融工具,因槓桿率而伴有快速虧損的高風險。 69% 的散戶投資者帳戶在 CMC Markets UK plc* 交易差價合約時產生虧損。您應考慮您是否理解差價合約、場外槓桿式產品或我們任何其他的產品的運作方式,以及您能否承擔較高的虧損風險。

*提供者以 CMC Markets UK plc 為例,說明散戶投資者在累積一定交易後可能發生虧損。

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Before you apply for an account with us, you should read the legal documentation relating to the product that you are interested in.

Legal Information

Before you apply for an account with us, you should read the legal documentation relating to the product that you are interested in.



以槓桿形式交易外匯、指數、大宗商品、加密貨幣、股票等資產。 開設帳戶