Careers Series: Open to new opportunities

2nd June 2021

Where should you start?

When thinking about a career change, it’s best to start by asking yourself the most important question; ‘What am I looking for?’ Knowing this helps you understand what it is you want and how you are going to get it. But how do you define what “it” is?

Try answering the questions below;

  • What is missing from your current role?
  • Do you want to stay in the same industry in a similar type of role?
  • How about staying in the same industry in a different type of role or function? 
  • Maybe you are considering a change of industry in a similar type of role?
  •  A complete overhaul of your career to change your role and industry?

Whichever route you decide to be right for you, whether this is a change in role, function, industry, or breaking out of your comfort zone… it is fundamental that you can identify and cherry-pick the right opportunity for you.

Must-haves and Like to haves

It can be daunting to wade through endless job adverts, company pages, and speaking to countless recruiters to find the right opportunity for you. First, you need to understand your own motivations (We all have different motivations and lifestyles)!

This is easier to break down into “Must-Haves” and “Nice to Haves”. You may want to think about:

  • - Role Satisfaction
  • - Location
  • - Role Title
  • - Work-Life balance (flexible working)
  • - Compensation
  • - Employee Opportunity (progression/training)
  • - Company Culture

Prioritising these “Must-Haves” and “Nice to Haves” will aid you in finding your optimal career match and what you may be willing to compromise on if a great opportunity arises.