
In this section you can view our capital raisings for both public and private companies. Find the deal right for you with CMC CapX.

Capital raising

Public and private deals with CMC CapX

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Dutch Barn Orchard Vodka

Ellers Farm Distillery, the Yorkshire-based owner of premium vodka brand Dutch Barn Orchard Vodka, is looking to raise £10m in equity through a private market deal. With shares in the privately owned company priced at £1.80, the deal values the business at about £23.5m.

How does it work?

  1. Discover investing opportunitiesRegister to be notified of exclusive deals.
  2. ParticipateTake part in live deals by applying through our website.
  3. Receive your allocation Shares can either be converted to a Spread Bet / CFD held in an account with CMC, or delivered as shares to your broker.

Global performance of IPOs and secondary placings in the previous twelve months

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Offer to first close
Offer to date
Figures are up to date as of 24th April 2024.

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Common questions

How does investing in capital raisings with CMC CapX work?

CMC CapX offers eligible investors the opportunity to participate in IPOs and secondary placings. Applications to participate in a live deal can be submitted via our website.

What is the Direct Investment Model vs the Indirect Investment Model?

Your application can be submitted under the Direct Investment Model by selecting “Deliver shares to another broker”. This means that you will receive your allocation as shares held with your preferred broker.

Alternatively, you may apply under the Indirect Investment Model, meaning your allocation will be converted to a Spread Bet or CFD (as applicable) and held in your CMC account.

What fees do you charge for investing in capital raisings?

CMC CapX will not charge investors any costs or fees for participating in IPOs or placings. We may however receive a commission from the relevant issuer (as agreed with the issuer from time to time).

I am a retail investor. Can I participate in public capital raisings?

Retail investors are not currently eligible to participate. However, if your broker is already working with CMC CapX on a deal by deal basis, you may be able to apply for an offer through your broker. Please contact your broker to ask them if they are able to place an application on your behalf. If your broker does not work with CMC CapX, ask them to contact us.

How long does each capital raising last for?

The duration of our offers can vary between hours and days, but in most cases a public capital raising will take place between 16:35 and 20:00 (applicable UK time zone). Applications must be submitted before the applicable time and date referred to as the “Closing Date”. There is a possibility that the offering may close earlier than expected or indicated by us.

Can I withdraw my application after it is submitted?

No, all applications are irrevocable once submitted through our website.

When will I receive confirmation of my allocation for public deals?

CMC CapX will send confirmation of your allocation to your registered e-mail address on completion of the offer. This will typically be before 8am the following morning but may take longer in some instances.

Why do I need to open a new account with CMC to invest through the Indirect Investment Model?

If you elect for your shares to be converted to a Spread Bet or CFD under the Indirect Investment Model, it must be held in a separate account with CMC for the sole purpose of receiving our services. This account has dedicated client configurations whereby all derivative contracts entered into with you will be considered a Manual Product.


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