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Blues rugby superheroes, fighting the fight against food insecurity.

May 23, 2024

CMC is a proud sponsor of the Blues and in partnership with KiwiHarvest, we joined forces with players Josh Fusitua, Soane Vikena, and Taufa Funaki to repack around 800kgs of food; the equivalent of 1,780 meals going into the community. Helping to reduce the C02-eq emissions by 2 tonnes.

Food insecurity has increased significantly in New Zealand which has led to 21% of Kiwi children living in households where food often runs out, that’s a 6.9% jump YoY (2021 vs 2022). KiwiHarvest are fighting the good fight and attempting to lower these stats by reducing food waste and redistributing food to those in need.

Did you know 30% of food produced globally ends up going to waste? This has a flow on effect to contributing to carbon emissions, 8% in fact. Last year alone, KiwiHarvest rescued and delivered 6 million meal equivalents into the community.

CMC Markets is a company built on strong values that resonate with both the Blues and KiwiHarvest. We all share a commitment to giving back to the community and making a positive impact. CMC Markets is proud to partner with these two organisations that share our values and are making a real difference in New Zealand. Our commitment to supporting the community extends beyond shared values. CMC Markets has been a sponsor of the Blues since 2021 and KiwiHarvest since 2022 and is committed to nurturing sporting excellence and sustainability initiatives within New Zealand.

“KiwiHarvest take great pride, and we depend upon, working with like-minded organisations. Our partnership with CMC Markets is a great example of a corporate partner having a large reach into the communities that we serve. We appreciate their care and compassion in a time where more kiwis than ever are struggling weekly.”
 - Angela Calver,
CEO & Executive Director


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