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Access the markets with our product library

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04:40, 05 MAJ 2017 AV CMC MARKETS

Learn how to search for markets on our platform, look for undervalued and overvalued CFDs with our useful filtering tools and much more through our product library.

Video transcript

Hi there, and welcome to this short video (where we're) having a look at the product library in more detail. As you can see, you can actually drill into different asset classes directly from here, such as commodities, currencies, indices, shares, and treasuries, or you can simply type in the name of the product that you're looking for right here.

As you can see, you've then got the product name. You've got the real-time percentage change for the day, the points change for the day and the ability to launch sell or buy order tickets from here. If you look at this icon, it will launch a contacts menu, which will give you access to a whole host of other different features related to this individual product.

What I also quite like to do with the product library is (that) it's more than just an ability to search for individual products. I also like to utilise it as a modern scanner. So if I select cash products for a second, then go to shares and then, say, select the UK market, you'll be able to then see that these products are updating obviously in real time. If I then utilise the sort icon next to performance, I'll be able to see the worst performers and best performers of the day with just the click of a mouse.

Another thing I quite like about this is (that) it's not just daily performance. If I switch that to say, three months for example, I'll be able to see that exact same configuration but this time it'll be price performance over a three-month period. Again, I can see the worst performers and the best performers.

When I'm actually in this mode, I'll also be able to see performance and volatility. Now what volatility does is (that) it looks at the closing price relative to the average price over the timeframe that you're looking at. If there's a lot of deviation from the average price, then the volatility figures will be higher. If the closing prices are quite close to the average price (then) that means that, obviously, the product is a lot more stable and then your volatility levels will be much lower. So you can see that some of these products here have got incredibly low volatility levels, whereas some of them have got slightly higher ones. And the ones that are higher, if you're a day trader, will be a little bit better. The ones with lower volatility means they're slightly more stable and, depending on the type of trading you're looking to do, that might be exactly what you're after.

It's also possible from here to look at all the other different asset classes as well. So I'm going to go ahead and have a look at commodities, again selecting cash, and this time I'm going to look at a year period, and we are going to be able to utilise these different sections down here to drill into performance and volatility. So you can either sort directly from here or you can utilise this area. So if I just scroll this to the back end, I can see (that) these are the worst performers over the year. And again, if I just go ahead and sort that, you can see the performance like so. Or if I fast-forward up to the top end, I can easily see the best performers. Again, I like to filter that just to see the best ones there. You can see that coffee and cocoa, in this particular example, have been particularly good. Conversely, if we have a look at the volatility section right here, you can do exactly the same where you can move the volatility up like so, and reduce down the numbers of related products or obviously spin the volatility down ever so slightly, as well, to see those products.

Now the really good thing about the product library, as well, is (that) it's possible to save this as a watchlist. So if I particularly like this specific section right here and that was relative to my trading, I could go ahead click 'save as watchlist' (and) click save, and that is now saved as one of my favourite products in a watchlist area like here.

And that hopefully gives you a bit of an idea that the product library is way more than just an ability to search for individual products. You have a whole host of other useful trading tools to take advantage of as well.

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